Showing 12 of 982 results
Bricks, Cement & Cement Factories
Yadanar Pone University St., Zay Tan Ward, Tagun Taing,, Pyigyi Tagon Township, Mandalay , Myanmar
09-259697952, 09-797539783, 09-265334040
Aluminium, Tin, Zinc Materials, Bricks, Cement & Cement Factories
1, Bogyoke Aung San St., Near Dhamar Yone, Ward (2),, Hlaing Thar Yar, Yangon , Myanmar
09-43024004, 09-777777524, 09-420018708
Cement & Cement Factories, Fertilisers, Paint & Varnish
84, Strand St., Thin Baw Seik Ward,, Dawei Township, Tanintharyi , Myanmar
09-8740349, 09-960525383
Bricks, Building Materials, Cement & Cement Factories
327/B, Sin Phyu Shin St., Ward (9),, Hlaing Thar Yar, Yangon , Myanmar
Cement & Cement Factories, Fertilisers, Foodstuffs
L Shed, Rm 22, Myoma Market,, Minbya Township, Rakhine State , Myanmar
09-49674313, 09-256681874
Bricks, Cement & Cement Factories, Hardwares
219, Si Pin Rd., Ward (18),, South Dagon Township, Yangon , Myanmar
09-453430661, 09-453430663
Cement & Cement Factories, Concrete Products & Services
Pa Pa-36/1, Yaw Min Gyi St., Between 49th St. and 50th St., Industrial Zone(1), Za Myin Zwe Ward,, Pyigyi Tagon Township, Mandalay , Myanmar
09-780258991, 09-780258992, 09-971931178, 09-796657366
Cement & Cement Factories, Concrete Products & Services
396, 81 St., Between 30th St. and 31th St., Aung Nan Yeik Thar East,, Chan Aye Thar Zan Township, Mandalay , Myanmar
09-971771660, 09-91002972, 02-4060266
Cables & Wires, Cement & Cement Factories
Pyay Rd., Infront Of Sawbwargyi Gone Warehouses, Saw Bwar Gyi Gone Ward,, Insein Township, Yangon , Myanmar
Bricks, Building Materials, Cement & Cement Factories
22, Kyee Myin Daing Kannar Rd., Htee Dan Set Myay Ward,, Kyeemyindaing Township, Yangon , Myanmar
01-227603, 09-31640655, 09-250672001
Bricks, Cement & Cement Factories, Hardwares
976, Bayint Naung Rd., Ward (10),, Shwe Pyi Thar Township, Yangon , Myanmar
Cement & Cement Factories
145, Bogyoke Nay Win St., Near Myoma Market, Myoh Thit (West) Ward,, Than Lyin Township, Yangon , Myanmar
09-5103976, 09-73003087