Showing 12 of 2664 results
Plastic Industries, Plastic Materials & Products
Rm 406, B Shed, Thein Gyi Market, Face Wing, Ward (2),, Pabedan Township, Yangon , Myanmar
09-799865400, 09-8585368
Kitchen Wares, Plastic Industries, Plastic Materials & Products
Rm 55, Shed Sa Lone, No (1) Myoma Market, Set Thit Ward,, Than Phyu Zayet Township, Mon State , Myanmar
Kitchen Wares, Plastic Industries, Plastic Materials & Products
Myoth Ma Market, North Bld, Shwe Kyar Inn(2) Ward,, Taungdwingyi Township, Magway , Myanmar
09-775757102, 09-256835005
Plastic Industries, Plastic Materials & Products
89 St., Between 19th St. and 20th St., Minde Ei King,, Aung Myay Thar Zan Township, Mandalay , Myanmar
02-4031152, 02-4066652, 09-787777881, 09-960166134, 09-940966652
Plastic Industries, Plastic Materials & Products
17, R Zarni Rd., West Myoe Twin Ward,, Dawei Township, Tanintharyi , Myanmar
09-254170695, 09-250768746
Cosmetics, Plastic Industries, Plastic Materials & Products
Phayar Gyi Rd., Zay (1) Ward,, Paungde Township, Bago , Myanmar
09-5376155, 09-5368646, 053-38196
Plastic Industries, Plastic Materials & Products
223, Makhayar Min Thar Gyi St., Shwe Pauk Kan Industrial Zone,, North Okkalapa Township, Yangon , Myanmar
09-450028432, 09-264823811~12
Plastic Industries, Plastic Materials & Products
38, Kanaung Minthar Gyi St., Khit Tayar Industrial Zone,, Pyay Township, Bago , Myanmar
Plastic Industries, Plastic Materials & Products
11, Nga Shed, Myoth Ma Market, Su Gyi Ward,, Kyaukse Township, Mandalay , Myanmar
Plastic Industries, Plastic Materials & Products
Kalay-Kalay Wa St, Chan Myae Aung Si Ward,, Kale Township, Sagaing , Myanmar
Plastic Industries, Plastic Materials & Products
19, 136th St., Ma U Gone Ward,, Tarmwe Township, Yangon , Myanmar
09-5063800, 09-963999315
Plastic Industries, Plastic Materials & Products
405, Say War Set Yone St., Gyoh Gone (West) Ward,, Insein Township, Yangon , Myanmar
09-254055517, 09-421176733