Showing 12 of 2664 results
Plastic Industries, Plastic Materials & Products
72, 21st St., Lower Block,, Latha Township, Yangon , Myanmar
01-381395, 09-760106623, 09-5111056, 09-790174810
Plastic Industries, Plastic Materials & Products
291, 32th St., Between 83th St. and 84th St., Aung Nan Yeik Thar West,, Chan Aye Thar Zan Township, Mandalay , Myanmar
09-2004138, 02-4073240
Plastic Industries, Plastic Materials & Products
66, Ohnmar Dani St., Ward(4),, Pathein Township, Ayeyawady , Myanmar
042-24456, 09-450055397, 09-778899484
Kitchen Wares, Plastic Industries, Plastic Materials & Products
224, Bogyoke Rd., Chaung Sone Ah Nauk Ward,, Chaung Sone Township, Mon State , Myanmar
Plastic Industries, Plastic Materials & Products
Rm 6/B, Nawarat St., Sports & Physical Education Compound, Ward (8),, Shwe Pyi Thar Township, Yangon , Myanmar
Plastic Industries, Plastic Materials & Products
238/A, Sagaing St., Ward (10),, Hlaing Thar Yar, Yangon , Myanmar
09-420103795, 09-30504626
Maung Nyo[U]
Kitchen Wares, Plastic Industries, Plastic Materials & Products
Taung Philar Golf Clug St, Taung Philar Ward,, Kale Township, Sagaing , Myanmar
09-400305418, 09-33237243
Plastic Industries, Plastic Materials & Products
Ahnaw Yahtar St, Thityar Myaing Ward,, Kyunhla Township, Sagaing , Myanmar
Plastic Industries, Plastic Materials & Products
93, Myeik-Dawei Rd., Myoe Ma Ward,, Thayet Chaung Township, Tanintharyi , Myanmar
Maung Win [U]
Plastic Industries, Plastic Materials & Products
498, Strand Rd.,, Lanmadaw Township, Yangon , Myanmar
01-212776, 09-73140244, 09-790144537, 09-254052449, 09-972807221