Showing 12 of 2664 results
Export/Import Companies, Furniture, Plastic Industries, Plastic Materials & Products
135, Pade Wun U Shwe Bin St., Industrial Zone,, East Dagon Township, Yangon , Myanmar
01-2585431~33 Ext.21, 09-795891445, 09-780999133, 09-795891457, 09-795891456
Pwint Phoo
Aluminium Frames & Furniture, Plastic Industries, Plastic Materials & Products
444/B, Bo Hmu Ba Htoo Rd., Ward (48),, North Dagon Township, Yangon , Myanmar
09-250316176, 09-250306277
Pwint Thit
Plastic Industries, Plastic Materials & Products
102, Kaba Aye Pagoda Rd., Saya San Ward,, Bahan Township, Yangon , Myanmar
09-5003617, 09-795404410
Plastic Industries, Plastic Materials & Products
26th St., Between 91th St. and 92th St., Pwe Kone Lanma Tan, Thiri Marlar West,, Aung Myay Thar Zan Township, Mandalay , Myanmar
09-2024385, 09-91014619, 09-792024385
Pyae Sone
Kitchen Wares, Plastic Industries, Plastic Materials & Products
29, Kyoe Tadar St, Nar Khar South Ward,, Mohnyin Township, Kachin State , Myanmar
09-400450550, 074-60153, 09-976175199
Pyae Sone
Furniture, Plastic Industries, Plastic Materials & Products
Rm 15, Bayint Naung Rd., Ward (5),, Shwe Pyi Thar Township, Yangon , Myanmar
09-427780863, 09-443020481
Plastic Industries, Plastic Materials & Products
25/A, Parami Rd., Ward (5),, South Okkalapa Township, Yangon , Myanmar
09-5031828, 09-790228595
Kitchen Wares, Plastic Industries, Plastic Materials & Products, Stainless Steel Wares
6, Bayint Naung Lan Thit Rd., Beside B.E.H.S (5), Khit Tayar Myoe Thit Ward,, Pyay Township, Bago , Myanmar
053-28160, 09-972017408, 09-5311637
Plastic Industries, Plastic Materials & Products
Lan Ma Taw St, No(9)Ward, No(3)Ward,, Mahlaing Township, Mandalay , Myanmar
Export/Import Companies, Plastic Industries, Plastic Materials & Products
8, Aye Tharyar St., Man Aung Ward,, Tarmwe Township, Yangon , Myanmar
01-548297, 01-543696, 01-400478, 09-5113401, 09-5159445
Pyi Kyaw
Plastic Industries, Plastic Materials & Products
304, 29th St., Between 84th St. and 85th St., Chan Aye Thar San West,, Chan Aye Thar Zan Township, Mandalay , Myanmar
02-4064328, 09-5172497